The role of tech in hospitality

Designer Magazine’s ‘Future Directions’ series sought views on how some strands of design have embraced new functionality and are equipped for the challenges to come.

Chris Gwyther, Founder & Creative Director at Phoenix Wharf shares his view on the changing hospitality landscape and the role technology will continue to play…

To read Chris’ response to the following questions, click the button below.

In what ways has technology impacted or influenced your design decisions in recent years? What are some of the key features or products you look to include now that were not previously available?

How have the expectations of clients changed in recent years and how is technology enabling changes in how we live and work?

How can designers look to ‘embed’ technology within their schemes?

What prediction do you have for the future evolution of technology in your area of design?

Read the full article*

*Turn to pages 22-23 on Issuu


Thank you for reading!


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